Our Story

We met in college...

View pictures from the wedding: Wedding Photos

We both lived in East Campus, a quirky dormitory at MIT. Knight majored in math, and was very eager to share his homework solving skills with Denise and her friends. Denise was aspiring to study linguistics and introduced him to the world of syntax and discourse. We bonded over schoolwork, stories about our high school years, and Preston and Child’s Pendergast novels.

We often unwound with strolls through Newbury Street at night, day-dreaming about our futures. We discovered that we shared the same passions for the outdoors and exploring other countries and cultures.

Our first date was such an adventure! It started out with us being locked out of our car. We bused and hiked from Fort Lee to recover the key, only to realize that one of us probably should have stayed with the car; it was still running!

...and fell in love...

It was the first of our many memorable adventures. From a week-long trip to Amsterdam, Netherlands to rising with the tides in Friendship, Maine, life together was never dull. But what made it special were the little moments in between: the nicknames we call each other, the silly gestures and the little projects that we worked on together.

When Knight returned to Boston after he completed his graduate program, we were ready to begin a new chapter in our relationship. On top of one of our favorite mountains — Penobscot in Acadia National Park, Knight proposed to Denise. And we are so happy to announce that we are getting married on August 19, 2018!












All photos taken by A. Fogarty in Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, ME.